Today I saw myself on the bus. Okay well not exactly. I saw a woman who looked EXACTLY like me only she was about 65. It was surreal. Same body shape and build as me (with only a few gravity related differences), same hair (only completely white), same shade of lipstick (Yves Rocher’s ‘Sugar Sass’), and same “Trendy without being offensive” sense of style.
We caught eyes and it was so…. familiar. We even both rolled our eyes at each other when a girl came on the bus wearing hot pants and elf shoes and I may be dreaming this, but I’m quite sure I also heard a muffled nose gaffaw come from her too. I am KNOWN for my muffled nose gaffaws!
It was like looking in a mirror; a crazy time machine mirror.
When my elderly doppelganger was getting off the bus, she looked at me and smiled as if to say “Hang in there, you’ll age nicely” OR as if to say “I have a daughter who looks just like you who dances at the Moulin Rouge”……
I guess we’ll never know.