Monday, November 05, 2007

A birthday poem for Nadia

Somewhere across the ocean,
My blue eyed friend is far away,
Making everyone around her smile
Even though today is HER birthday.

She comes from Poschiavo,
Among the fresh cheese and cow herds.
She sings along to Hebrew pop music,
Even pretends to know the words.

Swiss Italian, French-Canadian,
A real chameleon that way,
She waved at me 600 feet in the air,
And makes a kick-butt crème brulee. (it was actually Tiramisu, but that doesn't rhyme)

She’s fluent in French and Italian,
We needed her in Rome.
Her English is AMAZING,
Despite asking Yaron to “Ride her home”.

Nadia loves with all of her heart.
Has more care for the world than Bono,
She does everything with a passion for life,
Watch out, because sometimes she has mono.

Nadia is my partner in crime,
Swiping cookies and croissants for our snack.
Shocking the streets of Prague with our glasses,
We stole flowers, at night, from Pearl Du Lac.

She’s a colourful adventurer
And can make any garden grow.
But if you keep her up in the middle of the night
"... Monsieur, Tournez-VOUS!.. Ehn... Must sleep…Arghy... Meh.. BOH!!”

She’ll always be my life-long friend
She’s our sweet Italian cannoli,
The happiest birthday to someone truly deserving,
The one and only: Nadia Gianoli.

***please note that I have taken a certain liberty in assuming that Gianoli and Cannoli rhyme. If this is not true, I blame my online Italian rhyming dictionary.