Last night, I was cozy and warm at home when I decided that a good use of my time would involve making pink heart-shaped cookies for my staff meeting the next day. I carefully made a whole pan of 48 (the cookie cutter was small); perfectly shaped little love cookies to celebrate, oh, the end of January.
I checked on the cookies half way through and I was not met by a pan of hearts. All of the dough merged together, but not in a perfect giant cookie. Instead, the curvatures of the hearts were all still there but the point at the bottom was not.
In case I haven’t described this properly, I had myself a giant pan of 48 perfectly sculpted butts. Pink butts no less. Rashy pink butts in fact because the food colouring was stronger in some areas than others.
I just laughed. Laughed at the thought of serving giant eczemaed butt cookies to my coworkers—and then I told them about this at the staff meeting. The response was “I still would have eaten the butt cookies.”
I will know for next time.