The grass is always greener….. but seriously, in Dublin it’s actually greener, I think they may use chemicals.
My friend Aaron and I went to Dublin for 4 days. I like Ireland. I like the fact that the Irish, like me, enjoy the colour green and have short tempers. I like the way Irish children are completely incomprehensible, the way that people say “Emmm” instead of “Ummm” and the way that there are so many moments where someone would say something to me and I thought it was another language:
"Wug je lie yer lat far her er ta gooo?"
I just stare back like an idiot as my brain churns then finally realize after about 10 seconds that it was English and the leprechaun was just asking me if I'd like my latte to go....
Traveling with another designer is fun plus many moments of “Oh my goodness, is that Comic Sans on that bus?” “It totally is!!! What were they thinking??”
We managed to mix “culture” and “fun”. Some highlights included:
1. Took a bus tour through Wicklow country and beyond and got to see where Braveheart was filmed and drink whiskey on a cliff over looking the Guinness master’s property! (The wind was INSANE and our tour guide told us that the day before, some women was blown off a similar cliff 700 feet to her death so whatever you do “Doon oopen yer u’brella”)
2. Drank my first pint of Guinness on the roof of the Guinness factory with a 360 degree view of Dublin.
3. Enjoyed all that Temple Bar had to offer (AMAZING district FILLED with art and music and fantastic food).
4. Saw my brother play rugby with the Canada team and they all played SO well!!!!! GO NUMBER 6!!! “Did your brother just start a fight with that guy” “That guy totally deserved it.”
5. Saw the homes of Bono, Enya, and Val Halen. (Do you suppose they have potlucks?)
6. Toured ancient graves and an old monastery. (So beautiful)
7. We saw an Irish play (called “This is not a life”)
8. Saw Borat (which was disappointing……. Pause…… NOT!).
Pictures coming soon. Note: Susan I found a pub called Bodkins!