I've developed super human hearing since coming here. I don't know why. But I am so easily irritated by tiny noises. I'm in my office one day and when you work in an open office (one GIANT room) you become aware of all of your coworkers habits (ie. throat clearing, loud phone conversations that no one else needs to hear, typing so hard it’s as if you are punishing the keys).
On this particular day, I suddenly heard someone breathing UNNECESSARILY loudly. Like over and over again. I just ignored it. But it kept going. I couldn't very well turn around and yell "STOP BREATHING" (although I seriously considered it). So maturely, I just sat there and got angrier and angrier.
Finally, for some reason I went to the other side of the office and out the window about 100 yards away, there was a man raking leaves. That raking noise is what I thought was the breathing. So I turned around and yelled:
"MIKE!" (Mike is our webmaster)
"I have been MAD AT YOU for 45 minutes!!!"....
Shell shocked Mike goes "What did I do?"
"You were breathing too loudly."
"I'm.... I'm sorry"
"But then I realized that it was that dude over there raking leaves. So I'm not mad at you anymore!!"
"Oh okay. I'm glad you're not mad at me anymore for something I never actually did......."
"Me too. I’m glad we had this talk."