Friday, June 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Mel!

Continuing the tradition of sending birthday gifts via Blog, here's a special one for my beautiful friend Mel.

Happy birthday Melissa,

This may sound a bit silly,

But writing a poem for you is easier,

Now that you married a Tilley.

Nothing against the name Forkun,

I’ve known that all my life,

We talked how it’d be awesome

If you married into the last name “Knife”.

We are in different countries.

Quite frankly, that is lame.

Without Melissa Forken Tilly,

Life’s just not the same.

I miss you so much it’s crazy,

Like an amputee misses shoes.

Like Isaiah Washington misses his job.

I miss you like L. Lohan misses booze.

I want to wish you special day

And now you’re 25!

You share the same birthday with Gary Busey.

I didn’t think he was still alive.

Oh I confused him with Nick Nolte;

Who is actually also not dead,

But you see him so often looking drugged out,

Why am I such an airhead?

That was an unnecessary digression,

I’m just writing to say,

That I love you so so much

And I wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Close, but not really.

Dave: What’s this, and can I eat some?

Nat: It’s Lindt's Guava flavored chocolate. Jean brought it from Germany. I just ate some. It’s delicious.

……..Long pause……..

Dave: Wait. Isn’t “Guava” bat poop?

Mike: Um, that Guano.

Dave: Gimme some.