Saturday, March 31, 2007

What's your sign?

Okay, I took this picture in the subway in Rome. Maybe it’s my graphic artist bent, but I love seeing how people communicate visually. This sign to me is just incredibly bizarre. Let’s rock this clockwise and start in the top left corner.

Picture one: I get it, don’t lean against the door. You might fall through. Fair enough.

Picture two: Don’t pry open the door. Again, a perfectly reasonable request illustrated in a perfectly reasonable way.

Picture three: Who would ever voluntarily put themselves in this position? According to my trusty (and NEVER inaccurate) word for word online translator the message is “not to go up or to come down during the closing”. I think a better caption would be “Don’t be a friggin’ idiot” which may or may not translate to: “Non sia ‘friggin’ stupido”

Picture four: Do not, EVER back into the subway car whilst doing the running man.